
Marshmallow Benefits:

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Marshmallow plant

When most people hear marshmallow, they think of the white fluffy food treat commonly roasted at campfires.Marshmallow, however, is also a type of herb. Marshmallow,  is an African plant with short roundish leaves and small pale flowers. It was originally used medicinally by the Egyptians.

Marshmallow Benefits:
-Marshmallow leaf and root are used for pain and swelling (inflammation),Marshmallow extract is sometimes add to creams and  used to treat inflammatory skin conditions.
-Marshmallow leaf is used topically as a poultice for insect bites.
-Marshmallow is most commonly used to treat sore throats and dry coughs.
-A cold infusion
-Lining of the stomach, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, constipation, urinary tract inflammation, and stones in the urinary tract.
-Heartburn, indigestion, ulcerative colitis.
-There is tentaive evidence that marshmallow may also help with respiratory disorders such as asthma.

Marshmallow Dossing
The appropriate dose of marshmallow for use as treatment depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.
* Marshmallow root can be drunk as a tea, used externally as a wash, added to other tea blends, made into a syrup and used as a powder infused into water, honey, or ghee. 

To make a cold infusion you will need:
-A jar and lid
-Marshmallow root
-lukewarm water

To make this preparation, simply fill a jar 1/4 of the way with marshmallow root, Then fill the jar with lukewarm water and cover with a lid. Let sit for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight. The water should change color to a soft yellow.Strain off the roots. The resulting liquid should be thick and viscous. Now that we see how easy it is to prepare this root let’s look at the many ways we can use it!

homemade syrup ,to support the body in fighting the infection when you got sick

The combination of herbs helps sooth the throat to ease coughing and promote restful sleep.only use this remedy on children over 1 year of age due to the honey, though you can substitute maple syrup in place of honey.
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kisses and a big hug !

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