
What about Raw Milk?

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What about Raw Milk?

There has long been a debate about which is better: raw milk or pasteurized milk. On one hand, pasteurized milk has been “cleaned” of most problems that can lead to allergic reactions or otherwise make you sick. But raw milk hasn’t been processed, and often comes from much healthier cows that are fed organic foods and no antibiotics or growth hormones, making it healthier for your body.

However, keep in mind that even in milk that comes straight from the healthiest cows, there will be major doses of growth hormones in there. That’s because the cow produces this naturally, as a way to feed her calves and ensure they get appropriate nutrition. There is no way to remove these hormones from the milk, as they are naturally occurring.

Though the best step would be to avoid milk altogether, that might not be a feasible or suitable option for most people. So which one to choose? Even though raw milk might still have many allergens in it that can cause reactions in humans, the risks of raw milk are much, much lower than the risks associated with pasteurized milk products.

Before you make any decisions on choosing raw milk over pasteurized milk, make sure that you don’t have any medical conditions that prohibit this choice. Some people must have milk that is pasteurized, such as small children or those with certain medical issues. Talk to your doctor about your choice before you take the plunge.

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