4 masks of honey for different skin types

Use honey since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases ranked first in the healing properties of natural materials. Today, honey is used primarily as an ingredient in many cosmetics and skin care, as well as in many of the face masks because of the moisturizing properties and detergent. Here's the four masks of honey for a healthier and brighter skin:

Honey mask for dry skin
Teaspoon of mashed avocado
A teaspoon of milk
Teaspoon of natural honey

Mix the above ingredients in a bowl until the mixture becomes homogeneous, then put the mask on your face for 20-30 minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water. The fats found in avocados and milk are working to moisturize the skin until the depths, and stimulate collagen production.

Honey mask for sensitive skin
Two tablespoons of natural honey
Teaspoon of aloe vera pulp

Mix together honey and aloe vera and Apply the mixture on your face for 10-20 minutes, and be sure to always wash your face with lukewarm water. The cactus prevents Kgh sensitive skin problems and irritation, while the fed honey works.

Honey skin that suffer from acne mask
3 teaspoons of natural honey
1 \ 2 teaspoon of cinnamon

Mix the above ingredients together and Apply the mixture on your face for 10-30 minutes. The antibacterial properties of each of honey and cinnamon, dealing with acne and get rid of the previous effects.

Honey for skin whitening mask

Small tablespoons of natural honey
1 \ 2 teaspoon of lemon juice

Mix honey and lemon juice, then put the mixture on your face for 20-30 minutes. Vallimon works to exfoliate your skin and remove the lit and dark spots. In order to tangible results, a class this mask twice a week.

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