
3 Lie To colanha for yourself!

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Sometimes we become need to slap moral sense, in order to wake up the lethargic who drown in it because Kzbat we release ourselves and believe it. And you, dear, that sit behind the computer screen launches the lies themselves, Aarafaha:

"Will change after marriage":
 Many women Iguenan themselves that the marriage is that the eraser, which destroys the evil deeds! But dear, Satrah you a question must Tsalah yourself: What is the common denominator between the link and change ?! If you Ostagiben that love is that Magic Wand Do not forget that love itself will change if the bad tempers that are bothering you and your partner, Vsafl the first minute of Artbatkma ago, it will not wait even be married! Always remember that the young man broke the printed it.

"I need this shoe or bag or ...":
This light shade lie we release all of us, both because of our love for shopping, to justify to ourselves or others to purchase a specific need. Because the truth when this incident is the word "want" this piece or that! Because the result is here locker heavily clothing or that you do not wear it one day and did not protest any occasion!

Sapashr diet next Monday:
 The more the lies the novelty, because Monday goes Bmahb Tuesday, which in turn go Bmahb Wednesday, the week disappears turn Bmahb wind! Maybe Ttalegan this lie to your knowledge severe that you must get rid of excess weight and Tagelin it a little to the desire not conscious of yourself to get rid of it altogether.

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