Why you should use rose water for skin care regimes

The Benefits of using Rose Water for Skin Care.
There is no secret about rose water being a beauty secret for centuries. Generations of grandmoms have passed down some much advice about the healing and hydrating properties of Gulab Jal. And there is much truth in that advice. This natural beauty elixir can treat winter dryness, dullness, acne, puffiness, sunburn and so much more. Use it as cleanser, toner, moisturizer, or add it your face pack, as a part of your beauty regime, and the difference will be there to see in a matter of weeks.

Here’s how rose water helps

Have problem skin? Use rosewater for acne and pimples
Rosewater removes excessive oils from your face and keeping the bacterial growth at par, maintaining the skin’s pH balance. This helps to reduce the breakout of acne. It removes the oil from clogged pores and revitalizes the skin, adding to the natural glow.

Dryness issues? Use rose water for dry skin to lock in the moisture
Rosewater is best used during winters as it helps retain moisture in the skin. Plus, it also helps revitalize and moisturize the skin, giving it that refreshed look.  

Have puffy eyes? Use rosewater to reduce puffiness
Rosewater has cooling and anti-inflammatory properties that leaves your skin refreshed and reduces the puffiness around the eyes and face.

Need help slowing down the signs of Ageing? Try rose water
One of the many long term benefits of rosewater for skin is its effect on aging.  Due to the harmful UV rays of the sun, our skin is more prone to aging. In addition, the use of harsh chemicals, makeup products, and unhealthy eating habits can also lead to faster aging of the skin. Rosewater acts as an antioxidant and helps tackle this issue by neutralizing free radicals and keeping your skin healthy.

Looking for instant freshness on your face? Try a rosewater spray
A quick spritz of rose water on sweaty face will refresh it almost immediately. It’s a great way to wipe away the dirt and grim, so keep your rose water handy after a workout session or a long day.

Need a natural makeup remover? (No points for guessing the answer!)
If you don’t want makeup removers that have harsh chemicals and alcohol, go for a rosewater spray instead. This natural makeup remover is a gentle alternative to chemical ones. It works wonders for all skin types and the skin feels fresh and hydrated. Additionally, you can use it as a makeup setting spray. It gives a fresh and dewy look to your skin.

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