SKIN CARE: protein and vitamins that nourish your skin

Lemons contain citric acid, which acts on the skin Is naturally, as maintains the PH balance for lasting glow. There are different ways to apply the lemon skin, here are these mixtures:

Mix lemon and eggs

Eggs are rich in protein and vitamins that nourish your skin, so Mix equal parts of lemon juice and egg whites. National heats the mixture over low heat until it becomes thick, and Keep it in the refrigerator to cool down. Class this mixture on your face and neck for 15 to 20 minutes, and the result after Sttvajian period. This mixture is also used to relieve the darkening of the skin caused by sun exposure.

Mix lemon and honey

One of the easiest mixtures which can be prepared to lighten skin color. Mix a teaspoon of natural honey with bleached characteristics with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your face and skin after Tdena for 15 to 20 minutes, then Just wax with lukewarm water.

Mix lemon, milk

Milk contains lactic acid which works to remove skin pigmentation and lightened. So soak national one slice of lemon in half a glass of milk for a minute. And then rubbing milk on your face and leave the mixture on your skin throughout the night. The next day Wash your face well and you'll notice the difference.

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