
What are the causes of bad breath?

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Oral part of the digestive tract, stomach and can affect the smell of the mouth, it is common that the stomach is the cause of bad breath.

Bacteria do not live in the mouth only, she lives in the stomach, and causes halitosis low bacteria levels in the stomach, when levels of bacteria to Aktobasiloz be low in the colon partially less digestive process and increase gas production and increase the level of poisoning, and thus increases halitosis, Without bacteria you destroy the food particles can to remain in the colon for several years and becomes toxic and issued by the smelly,

As well as of the reasons it is also the presence of the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers, although it has not been proven scientifically responsible for this type of bacteria from the mouth odor, but the presence of these bacteria is associated with the phenomenon. The stomach and may cause this smell as a result of other factors such as heartburn that result in stomach acid and gases move in the opposite direction.

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